Finding Trusted Care connects families/guardians of special needs loved ones to credentialed caregivers. By joining the Finding Trusted Care network of caregivers you are providing an invaluable service to families/guardians. You have complete flexibility over your schedule and hourly rate. Whether you want to find a recurring job or just help families one night a week, can all be accomplished through the app. Plus, if you have extra time in your schedule send a notification to families/guardians that you are available.
- Create a profile that accurately reflects your experience level and comfort level with specific tasks.
- Respond to booking request in the app by either accepting or rejecting them.
- Send notifications to families/guardians when you have availability in your schedule.
- Communicate, respond, and manage all your needs within the app.
Joining the Finding Trusted Care Network is subscription based with a yearly fee of $99. This covers all safety checks. For more information visit the FAQ page at
At any time visit to learn more about our service.